Technology & Physical Education Resources
To learn more about my technology-focused professional presentations from 2009 to the present, you can review the list of topics below.
I invite you to use these resources and share them with colleagues and students. If you want information from a conference presentation prior to 2004, or if you have questions or feedback, please contact me. NOTE: Some presentations have links to videos which are not available in this format to protect student privacy. Please do not edit or use my work in your publications or presentations without my permission. |
Many of my presentation topics are included in my textbook, Technology for Physical Education Teacher Education: Student Handbook of Technology Skills, currently in its second edition. Intended primarily for undergraduate Health and Physical Education majors, this user-friendly, hands-on learning manual is also an excellent resource for anyone in the field who wants to learn more about technology and how to implement it innovatively in the classroom and/or gymnasium.
Click here for the listing and ordering info. |
International Presentations
National Presentations
Regional Presentations
State Presentations
Local Presentations
- Using Technology in Health and Physical Education Poster Presentation - June 2014
- Using iPads in Physical Education Poster Presentation - June 2013
- Preparing Future Physical Educators to Integrate Technology in the Classroom Poster Presentation - June 2012
- Integrating Technology into a Physical Education Teacher Education Program Poster Presentation - June 2011
National Presentations
- IPads in Physical Education: Integration, Innovation and Interdisciplinary (with Miller, L., & Carr, L.) - April 2014
- PE Technology Symposium - Google (with Fish, B.A.) - April 2014
- Power Up, PETE: Teaching PETE Majors Techno-Tools for Success - April 2013
- Technology Innovation to Promote Learning, Movement, and Adventure - iPads (with Fish, BA) - April 2013
- Challenging PETE students to make technology pedagogically meaningful (with Donahue, M.) - October 2012
- Integrating Technology within a PETE program: Various Perspectives (with Baert, H.) - October 2012
- Technology for PETE: Developing and Teaching an Undergraduate Technology Class - March 2011
- Web 2.0: Wikis, Blogs and RSS Readers: Create, Implement, Enjoy! - March 2010
- Technology for PETE: Developing and Teaching an Undergraduate Technology Class - October 2009
- Infusing Technology into a PETE Program (with Nichols, R.) - October 2009
- Wikis, Blogs & RSS Readers: Create, Implement and Enjoy! - June 2009
Regional Presentations
- App-solutely! Using iPads in Physical Education (with Miller, L., & Carr, L.) - February 2013
- Fabulous Free Tech Tools for Teachers: Using Technology to Organize Your Lessons and Your Life - February 2013
- Practical Examples of Technology Use in Physical Education (with Donahue, M.) - February 2013
- Google: The Little Search Engine That Could (and Can!) Do So Much More - February 2011
- Lead the Way: Educate all players! Stand up and be counted! (with Franck, M., Lynch, C., Spicher, M.) February 2011
- Techno Toolbox 2009: Technology Tools for Physical Education - February 2009
- NASPE STARS Portfolio Submissions Go Electronic (with Franck, M.) - February 2009
- Making a Student Run MINI-Convention a MAJOR Success (with Conron, K.) - February 2009
- Developing Technology Skills in a PETE Program (with Nichols, R.) - February 2009
State Presentations
- Using Technology in Physical Education: Practical Examples - November 2013
- Go Google! Cool Tools To Communicate, Collaborate and Create - October 2013
- Terrific Tech Tools To Power Up PETE Majors - October 2013
- Going Gaga for Google - November 2014
- Tech Tools for Teachers (presented with eight SRU students) - November 2012
- Google Webinar - October 2014
- There’s an App for That! Using iPads in Physical Education - November 2011
- Creating and Using Web 2.0 Tools: Blogs, Wikis and RSS Readers - October 2011
- Infusing Technology into a Physical Education Teacher Education (PETE) Program - October 2011
- Using PowerPoint Motion Paths to Illustrate Game and Instructional Formations (with Bian, W.) - November 2010
- Technology + Physical Education = ??? - October 2010
Local Presentations
- Portfolio Workshop (with Lynch, J. & Zane, L.) - February 2014
- Google Tools for the Classroom - November 2013
- Google Applications - October 2013
- Using iPads in Education - October 2013
- Technology and New Pedagogy in the Classroom (with Arnold, A., Danielson, B. and Zisk, J.) - August 2013
- TaskStream Workshop - April 2013
- Demonstrations of Technology in Physical Education (with Donahue, M.) - April 2013
- Portfolio Workshop (with Lynch, J. & Zane, L.) - February 2013
- Google App(lications): Teaching with Technology - January 2011